Audio Visual Company and AV Specialists APi Sound & Visual
01392 677668Get a Quote

Crafting bespoke audio-visual system in the Education sector.

We work extensively with a number of local schools and academy trusts, using our skills to craft bespoke audio-visual solutions that enhance the learning environment.

Increasingly important to support modern teaching

In todayโ€™s world where children and adults alike spend a large period of the day using or interacting with a variety of technology, education audio-visual systems have become increasingly important to support modern teaching methods by enabling the use of multimedia presentations, video content, and real-time collaboration tools.

Classroom AV technology has developed rapidly over the past 20 years, from small overhead projectors and the use of interactive whiteboards, which have now been replaced by large, high-resolution touchscreen displays and laser projectors which give a far clearer image.

APi Sound and Visual has been working in the education sector for many years, with many members of the engineering team involved in large projects at universities and school buildings both before and during their time with the company. We work extensively with a number of local schools and academy trusts, using our skills to craft bespoke sound, projection and classroom visual solutions that enhance the learning environment

How weโ€™ve helped


View our additional Education services

School Sound Systems

As in many other buildings, having a high-quality, reliable school sound system is crucial for students to hear the teacher and feel engaged in the lesson or assembly.ย 

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School Projection Systems

There are still many classroom environments where a school projection system is exactly what is required to give the best visual experience for the students and teachers.

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Classroom Visual Systems

Classrooms have moved from overhead projectors to interactive displays and wireless sharing, enabling collaborative learning.

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School Hall AV Systems

School halls are often the beating heart of any school, with assemblies, sports lessons and lunchtimes just some of the activities that take place in these spaces.

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Education AV Systems Price Guide

Crafting bespoke audio-visual system in the Education sector.

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01392 677668


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tailored for each individual project


Tailored for each individual project.

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